Betekenis van:
terminal point

terminal point
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • terminus ad quem
  • final or latest limiting point




  1. Following Israel’s unilateral disengagement from Gaza, the Government of Israel is no longer present at the Rafah Crossing Point and the terminal is closed apart from exceptional cases.
  2. In point of fact, the terminal value of the investment assuming continuity of operation is generally measured by the earning power of the company and consequently calculated by discounting, at the appropriate rate, the last forecast cash flow of the company in perpetuity.
  3. In ships which are constructed on or after 1 January 2003, the insulation of a deck or bulkhead shall be carried past the penetration, intersection or terminal point for a distance of at least 450 mm in the case of steel and aluminium structures.
  4. In its decision initiating the procedure (point 268), the Commission noted that the increase in capital was EUR 20 million less than had been recommended by the consultants McKinsey in the restructuring plan; furthermore, the Commission noted (point 268) that the solvency rate envisaged by IFB was less than that of the terminal companies and also, though to a lesser extent, than that of companies with mixed activities.
  5. In cooperation with airport users, through the Airport Users Committee where one exists, and relevant organisations representing disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility, the managing body of an airport shall, taking account of local conditions, designate points of arrival and departure within the airport boundary or at a point under the direct control of the managing body, both inside and outside terminal buildings, at which disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility can, with ease, announce their arrival at the airport and request assistance.
  6. In ships which are constructed before 1 January 2003, new installations for deep-fat cooking equipment shall comply with the requirements of this paragraph. NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS: .11 Heat bridges: In the implementation of fire proofing measures, steps shall be undertaken by the Administration of the flag State to prevent heat transfer through heat bridges, e.g. between decks and bulkheads. In ships which are constructed on or after 1 January 2003, the insulation of a deck or bulkhead shall be carried past the penetration, intersection or terminal point for a distance of at least 450 mm in the case of steel and aluminium structures.